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meeting place 會場。


Camel bar is a cozy meeting place offering afternoon tea or evening cocktails with a view of our indoor garden , waterfall , and chinese pagoda 裝飾一新的國泰中餐廳提供純正的粵川及其它中國傳統菜系。現場演奏的駱駝酒吧是您品茗和暢飲中西佳釀的最佳場所。

Once the town ' s social meeting place , the gazebo in new london , new hampshire ' s village green still gathers folk for friday night concerts 新罕布什爾州新倫敦鎮中心綠地上的涼亭曾是鎮上居民最重要的社交場所,今天人們仍聚在這里欣賞周五的晚間音樂會。

Free online meeting place with chat , message boards , and restricted - access web site . for businesses , associations , interest groups , or family discussions ; private or open -有多種形式的聊天室,包括城市聯盟情感空間男生女生,青春校園和個性天地。

The meeting affairs department is made up of 10 big or small meeting places distinct in style altogether . the largest meeting - place can hold about 200 people once only 會務部共由10個大小、風格各異的會場組成,最大會場能一次性容納200人左右。

You ' d better fix a meeting place , and we [ rcl ] will notify relevant cities and counties to muster there to discuss response measures immediately 你們最好確定開會的地點,我們省革委會將通知有關城市和縣召集會議討論立即采取的反應措施。 ”

The products are suitable widely for garden district , hotel restaurant , public meeting place , beaches swimming pool , villa and also common peoples family and etc 廣泛用于花園小區賓館餐廳公共場所茶館酒樓海灘游泳池度假村別墅花園等

This inn with a view to “ man - to - man private and close “ hairdressing serves , make warmth meticulously “ domestic type beauty parlour ( meeting place ) fbp “ 本店著眼于“一對一私人貼心”的美容服務,精心打造溫馨的“家庭式美容院(會所) fbp ” 。

To facilitate arriving and departing passengers assembly after immigration clearance , two meeting places have also been set up in the clearance halls 羅湖管制站又在旅客出入境檢查大堂設兩個會合點,方便過關旅客于辦理出入境手續后會合。

Once again pcim was the european meeting place of the power electronics industry for users and experts from all areas of the electrical and electronic industry Pcim又一次作為歐洲電力電子行業會場,為來自電子工業的用戶和專家提供場所。

Hong kong is a unique meeting place for east and west , blending chinese heritage , british colonial influences , high - tech modernity and cantonese gusto 香港是一個中西合璧的城市,既保留傳統的中國文化,又深受英國殖民地時代的影響。

More than 200 years ago , these banks of lake ontario were known to the huron people as toronto , a word in their language that meant “ meeting place . “多倫多”原為印第安語,意即“相會的地方” ,顧名思義,這是一個人口密集的大都市。

“ hong kong is the world s most pre - eminent meeting place , a melting pot of styles and influences from america , europe , japan and the rest of asia 他續稱:香港是中西文化交聚點,受美洲、歐洲、日本及亞洲的潮流影響。

“ hong kong is the world s most pre - eminent meeting place , a melting pot of styles and influences from america , europe , japan and the rest of asia 他續稱:香港是中西文化交聚點,受美洲、歐洲、日本及亞洲的潮流影響。

As the 20th century went on , it became known as a meeting place , where a moving billboard made of light bulbs announced world events 廣場上有一張由燈泡制成的巨幅廣告牌,它不斷閃動著向人們公布世界上發生的事情。

Development business uses meeting place to provide a service for village owner , behoove collection is corresponding charge , do not have misgivings 開發商利用會所為小區業主提供服務,理應收取相應費用,并無不妥。

With picks and shovels a crowd of three hundred peasants broke into the meeting place and beat the six landlords to death 很快就集合起了三百多人,他們手拿鋤頭、鐵鍬趕到了出事地點,當場就把那六個地主給打死了。

It was still - and remains today - a meeting place , a crossroads of culture and cultures ; toronto has been our name ever since 多倫多的標志性建筑之一是市政廳,也稱多倫多大會堂,其半圓形的立式結構非常別具一格。

This website serves as a virtual meeting place for existing chung hwa students and senior students graduated from smjk chung hwa -提供校友會簡介會史章程會所瀏覽歷屆理事名表活動介紹以及助學金細則。

He said they include legalizing hundreds of religious meeting places and allowing for hundreds of new clergy members to be trained 他說,其中包括將幾百個宗教集會地點合法化,并允許數百名新教士接受培訓。